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Thursday, July 26, 2012

4 steps for visual data effectiveness. What is qualitative and fruitful information design?

About studio 

Russian version -  http://info-design-studio-ru.blogspot.com 


Latvian version - http://info-dizaina-studija.blogspot.com 

It is better to see once original depiction of the production, service or process in the web page, blog or advertisement not hundred times read about it.

Do you agree?

Qualitative poster, broadsheet, book or booklet cover, production package, image series in the web page usually is that we are paying attention on. Well known that visual information is most easily perceived and understood. The picture is staying the longest in memory if it is made sufficient original, informative and professional.
However, if we are starting to talk about modern business and information flow, the picture`s general task is to be recognizable to thousands and millions of people in the Internet. Not simply placed in the internet, but easily recognizable to an audience of millions. It is not easy, but it is possible!

Scheme of information design tasks and goals shows information flow to mass audience. The information must be visible and provide insight.

You are saying that we overindulge with these millions? Not at all. How about with first place in 3,96 billion Google`s image search results? Russia`s search charts?

Paradoxically, but exactly in this position is image which shows studio “Orius” digital production success in the core business – data visualization information design. This is a record which is not accidental, because in the same first page there are two studio pictures – book cover and info graphics.

1st place of almost 4 billion search result of Google- it is a good example showing great success of information design studio “Orius” in the info graphics producing and promotion area

Of course, we can say for ourselves that the creative team has done the best of its ability. That might be so, however to reach the tops for our clients, large differences in work approach cannot even afford. Everything we must do with maximal performance. In addition to high level of professionalism, individual approach and so on, what generously promise all web and graphical designers around the world. And produced material often has a high level. Not just a regular score of 100 000, 1-10-100-300 million top ten search results for the pictures. Studio “Orius” has such of results! What is not less meaningful – the high level graphic “draw” on the top also the page in general search.
High quality of info graphics and other products of information design make available effective promotion for all website and business generally.

And this is the studio “Orius” “know how”.

Where then would be the key to success?

This we will find, if we can answer to two basic questions:

Why do so many outstanding artists living and have died in poverty, and why so many rich art traders do not have even art basic education, not mentioning the simple taste?

Why the best works is often were created in long-term cooperation between the first and the second?

Speaking in modern language, the answer might be as follows: the successful information design should be based on three pillars:

First, a successful info-designer or project manager must be familiar with business and its processes in general, to able to go into a customer`s specific needs in detail, so instead of words, but actually providing the “personal” and “professional” approach. Let us not forget that the information design product is not just a beautiful image – it should carry the maximum amount of information.

Second, info design professional must be an outstanding market, public opinion and internet-based researcher and analyst who are well aware of – What? Where? How?, with what kind of “dressing” and “spicery” to offer an Internet environment, so the customer product is most requested and displayed. Here we would include also some in this time so advanced SEO features.

And only third, info-designer must be an extraordinary artist, able to “impose” the aforementioned “color extract” on the computer screen.

I guess the fact that for most artists and info-design agencies this third “whale” is the main and often the only one reason that really brilliant works remain solely in its creator portfolios or in client web sites. It is good if this website is in itself have a high rating, then it is possible to see these works. Otherwise, they have “lost” between thousands and millions.
You often watch the second, third,…100th page on the Internet search engines? That`s the thing.

So, your choice: buy cheap, expensive or even very expensive “painting” for yourself, your employees and immediate,
or write an e-mail to: oriusdigital@gmail.com, and it will be seen by millions. Since it is an information graphics, also will know… exactly what you want to say to these millions.

Of course, should be adapted your requirements and capabilities. I doubt if the small work shop in the little town would require millions of viewers. For the company which has global development aspirations and the potency to do this – wholly and without a doubt. Although for the small and medium-sized enterprise, even for the private person always will be good visual information in good quality directly to their audience.

Have your read?
Let`s see how before mentioned and our work and cooperation process can be visualized:

1st step

In accordance with your wishes and business needs is conducted on internet-based feasibility study and analysis of the successful integration of your information in it.

Scheme of information design first step shows world map as place of market, websites, competitors, and info graphics which must be analyzed, as well as own business needs and possibilities.

2nd step
According to the results is designed the Concept for informative material production: What and how to produce? Where and how to deploy? How to present to the client?

Word “conception” in ellipsoid shows 2nd step of information design- creating conception of producing visual information

3rd step
In the basic of the production process are your submitted photo-, video- and audio materials, studio software, “know how” and creative approach to the moving out in seekers charts.

Scheme of information design third step shows folder of customer`s images, graphics, and video and a camera as maker of new materials as well as laptop as place of PC programs and creative field of design studio to edit and produce visual information

4th step
The high rating of the studio-
The guaranty of customer visual data quality and publicity!

1st place of almost 4 billion search result of Google- it is a good example showing the highest quality of information design studio “Orius” digital products  in the area of producing and promotion info graphics

Much simpler and more clearly, isn`t it?

There is another plus.
The studio will use it’s know how that these images as above mentioned success encouraging appear in seekers charts.

As it is said in motto of the studio
 the first pages in the first places.

The normal deadline for the appearing results is ~ 3 weeks to month. Only in this time you should not hope for millions of search results. Information design, however, is quite specific theme and the number of searches here would not be so great, like in beautiful girl’s picture search.      This is now done!! See! 

Follow to the news, relevant key words for the searchers will be announced in addition!                                         

Write:  oriusdigital@gmail.com 
Skype: sirions7         (for messages)

We will find the best visual solution to achieve your goals!
And we will set it out in the seekers charts!

The team of studio “Orius"          

 & Producer, creator of strategy and conceptions                                                                
                                                            A.Rutkovskis   (Ivor)
(as he`s work author on the book cover – the second of 333 millions)

"Orius" digital production.
e-mail: oriusdigital@gmail.com

Copyright 2012 All right reserved


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