Maybe because it clearly represents everything that falls in the scope of Aivars R.’s, more widely known as Ivor, work. It comprises photography, video editing, work with models, visual design, book cover and packaging design, WEB-design and programming, UI, UX design, data visualisation, web-marketing, SEO, WEB promotion of anything, etc. ……Let us also
remember that this portfolio-site is not for professional exhibitions or fans,
for now at least. One should not try finding neither style uniformity, nor any sorts
of thematic order here, nor any high art, nor artistic processes. This is more
of a place for different possibilities, empirically proven, result-stable and
dynamic visual solutions, where everyone could find something for himself and
take it, would it be a form, a style or an idea.
there is one thematic tendency, it would be the topic of web-sites and their
most important parts concerning the efficiency of info-design and visual
solutions. Examples are everything published here and any visual or technical
part of the sites.
If we paraphrase it – what we can and what we must use while making a new web-site, what is new in terms of visual accessories, what are the possibilities in renewing an existing site, which visual advertisement works the best. And, the most important, which already existing design results or has a potential to result in the number of people visiting the site skyrocketing.
“ Until now I have been represented only by my works and my avatar – a caricature. Well, my easy-to-remember YouTube name “infodesigner100” also. That is why this time I will present myself as an info-designer and author. After all, it is high time to reveal myself to a wider public. I should also mention that it is not a usual info-design site. I should better call it a demonstration of empirically tested info-design elements. The practical side of this is web pages, and the aim is the internet promotion of enterprises, people and their work and business. The methods are more of a visual advertisement and info-design kind, rather than of the SEO approach. Concerning this area, certain achievements have been accomplished and I hope you will find something useful..."
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